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3D World

3D World

Geniet van 3D World en van onbeperkte toegang tot meer dan 8,000 magazines op je smartphone en tablet. Zoveel je kunt lezen voor slechts € 14,99 per maand.

Over 3D World

Work in 3D? Then you should be reading 3D World magazine. Find out why it's the industry-leading title for the 3D industry. 3D World is the best-selling international magazine for CG artists, covering the fields of animation, VFX, games, illustration and architecture. Our team of CG artists and professionals provide analysis of latest trends in the market, artistic and technical advice, impartial product reviews, and exclusive behind-the-scenes articles on the making of key projects in this fast-paced industry. 3D World’s unique Advisory Board, which includes ILM’s Tim Alexander, Pixar’s Andrew Gordon and Ubisoft’s Pascal Blanche are on hand every issue to help with CG advice and career support. With over 10 years at the forefront of the CG industry, reporting on the latest movie VFX, with enviable studio access and in-depth video and step-by-step training, 3D World offers unrivalled inspiration and training every issue.

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