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Magnolia Journal

Magnolia Journal

Geniet van Magnolia Journal en van onbeperkte toegang tot meer dan 8,000 magazines op je smartphone en tablet. Zoveel je kunt lezen voor slechts € 14,99 per maand.

Over Magnolia Journal

The Magnolia Journal is a publication from the minds of Chip and Joanna Gaines. The magazine highlights unique home decor ideas, spectacular home recipes and a sneak peek into the life of this beloved Waco, Texas, family. A subscription guarantees hospitality secrets for every holiday and occasion, along with must-have products personally picked by Joanna Gaines. The Magnolia Market springs to life on the pages, where vibrant photographs detail the modern, rustic style for which the couple is known. Anyone looking to host or redecorate will love a subscription to the Magnolia Journal. Jo's personal reflections of love and family weave seamlessly between the design tips, with a focus on entertaining and seasonal celebrations. So get ready to embrace the casual and fall in love with simplicity all over again as this professional couple leads the way. With an annual subscription, you'll have a great source of inspiration all year long. Whether you're a novice or a longtime interior decorator, a Magnolia Journal subscription is sure to help you hone in on your creative genius. With advice on gardening, outdoor living and healthy lifestyles, Magnolia Journal is a celebration of the things that matter most: family and love.

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